Sms Attendance Pro combines the features of Mobile Sms Pro with an attendance management system. If the students are unauthorizedly absent in a class, then their parents or guardians can be immediately informed with absent alert messages. Mobile numbers of students and parents are separately kept under different groups so that messages can be sent to students, parents or both by selecting the proper group. Present and absent records in differents classes are nicely maintained. Various reports such as (1) individual student's attendance report (2) group-wise attendance reports (3) monthly attendance reports are easily generated under concise or detail categories. When it is combined with Upload Accelerator, various reports are accessible online by students and parents by logging in to the website.
How the system works
No device, card or signature is required in this system. It is the conversion of the most traditional format of taking attendance into a computerized format. There are schools or colleges where smart cards or finger print devices are not secured to be implemented from the practical point of view as these systems are quite vulnerable. In this system, attendance is taken in hard copy registers which is the most traditional method. But in the software, you select only those students who are absent in a class. By default, all other students are considered to be present in the class. Again, simultaneously, absent alert messages can be sent to the parents or guardians of unauthorized absentees. The software maintains present record, absent records in a nicely format and generates various types of reports and analyses whenever required.
01-A screen-shot of the main screen of Sms Attendance Pro
02-A screen-shot of the interface to feed attendance of students of a particular theory class
03-A screen-shot of an interface that group-wise reports based on user selected criteria
04-A report showing group-wise attendance of students between two chosen dates under detailed category
05-A screen-shot of an interface to generate individual student's attendance report by specifying the roll number
06-A report showing group-wise attendance of students between two chosen dates under concise category
07-A report showing individual student's absent records between two chosen dates under concise category
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